
Showing posts from November, 2013

How every woman can manage her ''TIME''

    Time is one of the most important thing in our daily life. We often want time but don't really know how to make good use of it. It is said to be the only capital that any human being has and the only thing he can't afford to loose. It is something that is very effective in our day to day activities which implies that kitchen, business environment, church and the society at large. Time as we've often heard waits for no one, whether big, small, rich or poor. It is also known as the period or point at which things occurs.      Managing your time is a way of being in control or in-charge of your time. It is also the ability for every woman to manage everything around her effectively in other to accomplish her desired goals and objectives. You have to manage your time very well in other to avoid stress , incomplete task, failure, breakage , mental disorder, backwardness etc. Time management can help you to utilize your finance effectively, gives room for...

Every Woman should render a Heart of Service to her Household:

    When you watch closely, you will see that most women that  have whole-heartedly served their household sees and experiences an unending grace attached with them. Most women has failed and plunged down the hill of perpetual poverty and misery because they lack the trade mark of service to their household, they allow themselves to be filled with greed, idleness and selfishness. Work heartily and don't be an eye-service person or people-pleasers.      I urge every woman to serve her household with passion, humility and selflessness, this will attract many people to your household and your family will be a place so many will long to be and many will visit. You will also eat the fruit of your labour, see your great grand children and also be served in return. Your freedom in life is tied to your commitment to render a heartfelt service to your household. This can also make you not to be stranded, confused, maltreated and frustrated during your ...


     If you don't focus on your Education before love, it will lead you yo  having lower grades or scores in your results. Don't allow anything to get in the way of your ambition , studies, goals and dreams. Try to focus on your education/ career building in other to come out with flying colours and nice grades.Getting educated first is to make your life more useful, appreciable, unique and desirable for future love. Education as said, is the key to success, so if you want to be successful, you must not allow your education to be manipulated or carried away by love or someone you call your boyfriend e.g Cooking, Washing, Sweeping and Dressing your boyfriends bed in school all in the name of love, when you should be reading your books and preparing for your exams in other to defend your future profession.      Being focus is concentrating on a particular thing or directing your attention to one point. Focusing on your education is an act of wel...

The importance of Women Education:

   Education is very important to women because it is a key factor in the modern society that determines women's status and their level of participation in the various sectors of the economy. Education is a necessary medium through which women can participate on an equal forting with men in the labour market and also be able to understand, define and promote their rights. This was in recognition by the state chapter that education especially for girls as said "to educate a man is to educate an individual". Women education contributes to wonderful family, educated parents have a healthier children and while the father's education has some influence on their children's health, the mother's education has more.     Education for women should broadly cover all the international or uninternational acts of training, teaching, advising and instructing them, which enables women to gain and develop certain knowledge, skills, values, attitudes, behaviours or forms of...

Watch the kind of food that enters your mouth:

   Firstly, if you don't want to look like a 10 months pregnant woman or be obessed or have some kind of health disorders, try and watch the kind of food that enters your mouth, know when, how and what to take at any point of the day. When a person accumulates a lot of fat and your body weighing at-least 20% higher than it should be, you are considered obessed. Also, try not to consume too much calories , most people would expect this increase in calories to consist of fat - not so! most of it is due to too much intake of carbohydrates, fast - foods and sweetened drinks. We should also try to reduce the rate of eating road side food because you might not know it's preparation nor contents.      Secondly, don't take what we call 'junk food' because it has low nutritional value, with a comparatively high caloric value. junk food often lack useful vitamins and minerals, people who eat it much exclusively may suffer from nutritional deficiencies that cause healt...


     Abortion is the grossest form of child abuse and the most extreme  perversion of parental responsibility. In the oxford dictionary , Abortion is away of committing suicide / murder. Your baby is a gift of previous jewels growing within you, created in the image of your Holy father in heaven. In the biblical aspect, you don't have the right to abort your baby. In Psalm 127 : 3-5, children are a blessing , a source of happiness and joy to their their parents. Unborn babies are children, so parents ought to appreciate them as a blessing from God. People who have good spiritual attitudes will never kill unborn babies because they will never want to stain their hands with blood.       Abortion is the grossest form of ingratitude for God's blessing, so you have to care for that item that's been placed in your hands and use it to accomplish the purpose of the one whom it belongs to. An unborn child is a particular blessing that has been given into ...

Follow Right Friends:

   Friendship is known as a mutual affection between two or more people. Every true friendship is characterized by or provides a safe structure where Honesty. Trust, Kindness, Support, Sympathy, compassion, empathy, loyalty, affection, love, respect, commitment and positive influences are common place.      Be mindful of the kind of friends you follow you follow. 1 Corinthians 15:33 says, 'Be not deceived, evil communication corrupts good behavior. The company we keep has a powerful effect on our ability to blossom fully. Good company can help us out of agitated state of mind and also uplift our spiritual and physical life.      We must choose our friends wisely and be careful of the type of company you keep and those you spend time around. It is easy to pull someone down than to pull them up. If it is hard for you to choose your right friends, then seek for the face of God.Remember, if you choose not to admit to yourself about the ...

Decency in cloths and appearance:

  A decent dressing of course is a part of human life because it elicits respects and protects the person's dignity. Decent dressing by students / working class / celebrities / parents / children etc attracts respects from lecturers, guards, classmates, boss, colleagues, fans etc and most importantly can go a long to protect you from being the target of rape , scandal and sexual harassment. Some cloths that doesn't portray decency are mini-skirts, small tight tops, shorts, singlets etc     Decent, modest and smart cloths are often the best because it gives you an appreciable and nice appearance. Decent cloths lead to decent behavior and acts. Wearing decent cloths is an act of wearing what is proper, fitting and moral. It is also an act of not wearing what is made for the inside for the outside.Decent cloths will make you look smart, look neat, well-dressed and fashionable.     Women should dress covering their sensitive parts so that they would c...

Some things that can put an end to your marriage:

1. lacking a vital relationship with your creator, this gives room for the evil man to enter to into your marriage  and destroy it. 2. Marriage fails when you get married with the wrong motives i.e If you get married you will be better financially, mistaking infatuation for love, sinless sex, because of pregnancy, mistaking lust for love, your mates and friends are getting married. 3. Allowing the interference of your extended family i.e When the wife often runs to her parents when ever there's a problem in the relationship, when the husband makes frequent comparison between his mother and his wife, when the wife tells her mother / other relatives about their personal problems and the husband also does the same to his own relatives too, and when the husband places his mother in the position where his wife should be. 4. Having extra marital affairs without recognizing nor accepting your faults and apologizes to your partner. 5. Not being able to cope with life trials by re...

What you need to know when you are being turned down on:

Just bear in mind that it isn't all love that is meant to exist, if you love someone and the person abuses your love, you have to let go! It might be very difficult, but love is supposed to make us all happy and not not sad! Never let someone say they are managing you or you are not good enough! Let such person go, the pain of letting go won't last all days nor kill you rather it will make you stronger. 

Some reasons why should avoid anger or being hot tempered:

This is because:   1. It will make you act foolishly.   2. It doesn't produce the righteousness of God.   3. It prevents you from having great understanding.   4. It stirs up strife.   5. It gives room for the evil man to enter.   6. It brings disgusting talks from your mouth.   7. It gives way for vengeance.   8. It makes room for war.   9.It brings about unforgiveness.   10.It makes you reckless.

What you need to know about your Menstrual Cycle:

It is a beautiful thing, yet often unpleasant, this occurs monthly in a healthy, fertile female.Regularity confirms that your body is capable of producing and growing a foetus. An absent of irregular cycle signifies something is wrong, whether it is as a result if inadequate nutrition, low body weight, hormonal imbalance or stress. At the start of each cycle, oestrology and progesterone levels can inhibit a normal cycle and may be influenced by your nutritional and caloric intake.     Considering the amount of blood that is lost during your menstruation, women are more likely to become anaemic than men if not taken proper care of. Anaemia occurs when there are fewer than average circulating red blood cells and lower than average haemoglobin levels. Haemoglobin is the iron containing oxygen transport - transport molecule in red blood cells. Iron attaches to circulating oxygen, and in Iron's absence, haemoglobin function and oxygen transport throughout the body fails.Wom...

The Best Man for you:

A man who will always say you are beautiful instead of hot, who calls you when you hangup on him, who will lie under the stars and listen to you heartbeat, or will stay awake just to watch you sleep, who kisses your forehead, who wants to show you off to the world when you are in sweats, who holds your hands in front of his friends, who thinks you're just as pretty without makeup on. One who is constantly reminding you of how much he cares and how lucky he is to have you.............The one who turns to his friends and say you are the best of all.

Knowing your Worth:

Dearest, when you get to know what you worth, you won't allow yourself to be destroyed, snobbed, beaten, embarrased, rejected, maltreated and uselessed by anybody you call your boyfriend all in the name of love.You are precious, beautiful, unique, desirabl le, unrejectable and wonderfully made.

The Concept of Educating an African Woman

Education they say is the foundation of human development. It therefore follows that any society that wants to develop must take education crucial in the attainment of National aspiration, goals and objectives. Education is a Human Right that should be accorded to all human beings in respective of gender. Educating a woman is educating a nation.Educating an African woman will enhance her maximum participation in all fields so as to ensure full and complete development as well as the entire welfare of all countries.

Women Affairs: Expanding Educational Opportunity for Women:

Women Affairs: Expanding Educational Opportunity for Women: : This initiative has considerably helped the Nigeria women to cultivate the spirit of "She is no longer content with staying complacent ...

Living by the Side of your Husband:

Women who lives by the side of their husbands hears the sound of their heart beats and sees vision for their family, it is time you live by the side of your husband and not by the size of your pocket. wardrobe or money in your bank account, your post/ rank in the society , beauty, certificate etc. Living by the side of you husband makes you respectful, honest, intelligent, submissive, and with this you can never be limited.


      Every woman should strive towards being a positive radical that will bring change to the stethoscope of her husband and family. It is a crime for a woman to behave normal in an abnormal family without doing anything to make it change.

Vision in Conjuction with Mission:

Vision: it is something that is been seen as an imagination or dream. Thou, Visions clearifies things more than dreams, it emerges from spiritual traditions and could provide a lens into the human nature or reality. Biblically, When youb are closer to God, you see something others don't see. Most visions are imparted by our father in heaven to his c hoosen servants. Visions are all about the future, not the past or present. When you have a vision, you are likely not to fail in the future. It is also an eye of faith to see the invisible things, a decision to get it started, and motivation to make it happen. Vision gives you purpose and adds value to your life.Whatsoever vision you see for your family, school, society, church etc determines the kind of mission that's been carried out there. For you to have a cleared, happy and blessed vision, your vision must be tied up and consistent with the word of God. Mission: It is the core purpose of something or an assignment that requ...

Be scarce to whom you love and he will value you more

Strive towards being a Woman of Virtue and Integrity:

Virtue: It is a good moral quality and goodness of character. Virtue is living a righteous life, clean from the bad parts of the world. It is also an act of keeping yourself pure and clean physically,morally,spiritually and mentally.It's not letting others convince you to compromise what you know to be important and right. Integrity: It is an act of meaning what you say and keep your promises. It is also doing the right thing even when no one is watching you. Note : A woman of virtue and integrity worths more than every other woman in the society at large. Things you can do to become a woman of virtue and integrity. 1. Renew your mind: This is a way of putting off the former conversation of the old man which corrupts your mind and leads you to deceitful lusts.some ways in which you can do this are:     a. Surrender to God: This is the way of yielding to your creator, serving and obeying his word in purity. it can be done through sacrifices to God and beggi...