Some things that can put an end to your marriage:

1. lacking a vital relationship with your creator, this gives room for the evil man to enter to into your marriage  and destroy it.

2. Marriage fails when you get married with the wrong motives i.e If you get married you will be better financially, mistaking infatuation for love, sinless sex, because of pregnancy, mistaking lust for love, your mates and friends are getting married.

3. Allowing the interference of your extended family i.e When the wife often runs to her parents when ever there's a problem in the relationship, when the husband makes frequent comparison between his mother and his wife, when the wife tells her mother / other relatives about their personal problems and the husband also does the same to his own relatives too, and when the husband places his mother in the position where his wife should be.

4. Having extra marital affairs without recognizing nor accepting your faults and apologizes to your partner.

5. Not being able to cope with life trials by reasoning together and finding a way to resolve or handle it properly i.e Financial challenges or child bearing.

6.When you come into the union with unrealistic expectation of your partner i.e The wife is suppose to stay at home, the husband is suppose to have all the answer, the husband should make money more than the wife and marriage means sex anytime you want it.

7. When you fail to anticipate differences in, i.e Religious beliefs, upbringing, goals, beliefs regarding raising the children, personal habits, beliefs regarding marriage, perspectives on life and visions of the future.


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