This issue has become a trend in our society. Many people have turned their relationship with people to something so naegative and impure to humanity and in the sight of God. As defined in the Oxford Dictionary, "Impurity" is the state of being impure, it doesn't exercise the qualities, features and characteristicss of something that is pure.
     "Impurity in Relationship" starts mainly with the mind, not the body. In Proverbs 23:7, 'as a man thinks in heart, so he is". In Mathew 15:19, "for out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, fornication, theft, false witness and slander. Your future can ber accurately predicted by what you allow your mind to dwell on. Sinful actions don't come out of nowhere. They are the cumulative product of little moral compromises made over time, which ultimately culminate in ungodly behaviours. If someone wants to pollute water, he pollutes it at its source. If he wants to purify water, he purifies it at its source. Our thoughts are the source of our lives, all our lives flow from our mind, and through the choices we make everyday we program our mind, either for godliness or ungodliness.
     We should also mind the kind of people we relate with. Most times people relate with those that have different religion from theirs, thereby, pushing or driving confusion into their lives. For example, if you want to abstain from lust, you don't go places and watch movies and programs and read books that stimulate lust. Also, if you are on diet, don't go to Baskin and Robins because if you do, your resistance will break down. So when it comes to your relational purity, the ultimate battle is your mind. your body will go where your mind leads it to. Don't give your mind junk food, be sure you're getting spiritual nutrition.
     Try to work out a relationship to a positive way if you really need it. A "relationship" as defined by the Oxford Dictionary, is a connection between people. A relationship can exist between a mother and a child, a man and a woman, a girl and a man, a lady and a lady, a granny and a baby, parents and their children etc. Of whichever kind it is, we should always strive towards making it a pure one. The key factor of a relationship is knowing each other and also learning from each other. We also have to help each other when we are in need or difficulties. Relationship is something we need to pay great attention to because it is one of the great keys to a better life. When you relate with people, you get to know more about life. In every relationship we have with a person, we learn somethings but we should always make sure we take and exhibit the right and positive ones. Learn how to be armed by the proper information/communication and try to understand each other because it takes understanding to be outstanding. When there is a misunderstanding between the both parties, let the settlement be done when you both are no longer angry, and try with all of you and not half of you, when listening to her explanations, so that you won't have a wrong impressin to what the person is saying. If the other party is not willing to listen because of the way the other person is communicating, then learn how to sort them. In a pure relationship you have to focus more on talk, not touch, conversation not contact. A relationship should be something that should explore our minds and souls not bodies.
     Lastly, most relationships will get strained at sometime, resulting in a failure to function optimally and produce self-reinforcing, maladaptive patterns. These patterns may be called "negative interaction cycles". There may be possible reasons for this, including insecure attachment, arrogance,ego, anger, jealousy, greed, poor communication, or problem solving, ill health, third parties etc. While the basic impure acts that exists in a relationship are fornication, gossip, lesbianism. homosexualism, sexual abuse, murder, lies, fight, theft, backbiting and keeping malice.
     Honour God by relating with people in a purified manner. If you do so, you'll experience his blessing and rewards for eternity.


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