How To Exercise Good Principles of Behavior In Issues Concerning Life.

The issues concerning life are numerous but we have to look into the two major ones, which are :

A. What do you love ? 
          This issue addresses what motivates our personal ambitions and how we view and use our possessions. Biblically, the apostle John stated in (1John 2:15) that a person who loves the world and its possessions does not have the love of the father in him. He further stated in (1John 2:16) that the self-serving desires for the accumulation of wealth and fame comes from a source contrary to God. We may ask, “Why would John say that loving the world means an absence of love of God”? The words John used that are translated "Love" in this passage comes from the root word "Agape". This word agape represents the highest type of love. This love places someone or something above everything else, he or she cannot love God the way he requires. John declared that those who lust after temporary things will ultimately suffer loss, but those who seek God's priorities will experience life forever.

B. How do you live ?
          This issue has made many people to argue among themselves. One of the arguments is on the issue of  'paying tax' amongst the Christians. So many Christians argue that as long as they give a tithe of their money, they should be able to spend the rest any way they see fit while other Christians argue that accumulating any possessions above the basics needed to sustain life is wrong. Biblically, in 1Timothy 6:6-19, Paul emphasized more on this. His emphasis were on living a life of contentment. He wanted every believer to have a proper view point on the accumulation of wealth and possession. People leave the world the same way they entered the world. So if they have their basic needs met, they should be contented. Those whose main goals are possessions often end up with ruined lives. While they may have worldly possessions, power, and fame, they are often spiritually poor. Paul instructed that wealthy Christians should keep a proper perspective concerning their possessions. One of the ways to assure that a Christian's wealth will not become an idol is to use his money to do good for others. When a person gives to others, he or she is laying up treasures in heaven. Generosity helps people keep in focus what is truly vital and valuable in this life.

How to exercise good principles of behavior are as follows:

A. Rendering a Magnificent Practical Service: What is practical service? It is one which is connected with the real situations rather than ideas or theories. These practical services can exist between you and your government. For example, paying of tax. It is the duty and obligation of every citizen to pay his or her tax because it contributes to the revenue generation which is the impetus for the national budget and development. So you have to adhere to this by doing exactly as it is being enforced on all citizens. Paying taxes is a spiritual as well as moral issue.
     Biblically at Romans 13:6, Paul taught that it really does not matter if you agree with the leadership or not, taxes are the system put into place to pay officials who work in government. Paying one’s taxes is as much as an act of obedience as giving an offering to support the ministers of God. Apart from taxes, we also owe them respect and honour. People who malign government officials with their words and actions are doing nothing for the health of the nation and stand in opposition to God. We also need to pray for our leaders. In (1Timothy 2:1,2) , Paul told Timothy to make requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving to God on behalf of the government leaders. This can lead to peaceful conditions that are conducive to holy living and the country at large. Such conditions are also pleasing to God because it gives room for more evangelical opportunities for Christians. When hearts of sinners are changed, a change in society will occur naturally.

B. Exhibiting Submissive Attitude: It is wrong for people to rebel negatively against the person in a place of authority. When a Christian is doing that, he is automatically rebelling against God. In Romans 13:1-15, Paul didn't say Christians have to agree with a leader’s political positions or that they had to embrace the leader's lifestyle. But Christians are to live according to the laws that the authority establishes out of respect for the leadership position God has created. Paul gave a stern warning to those who rebel against authority, stating that God will bring judgement on them. Paul clearly viewed people who hold governmental positions as ministers of God. Christians are to show respect for government officials. If people obey the governmental authorities, they can live free of fear. By contrast, people who disobey the governing authorities can expect to experience judgement. Governmental officials act as agents of God to assure that society functions well. There is a double motivation for submitting to authority. Christians should be motivated to respond to the authorities as an act of obedience to God and they should be motivated by their desire to live in peace.    


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