Any peace making process that doesn't involve the participation of women or ignores the needs and roles of women is unnatural, and therefore inherently unstable. Besides, women represent more than half of the world's population. So, putting into account women's talents and insights would always lead to responses to peace-centered and therefore more sustainable environment.
        What is Peace?  It is generally defined as the absence of fear, conflict, war, anxiety, suffering and violence, and about peaceful co-existence. Peace is the opposite of the word conflict. In a place where there is no peace, it is said to have conflict. Without peace, the attainment of sustainable human development would come to naught. Also, the meaning of peace has been emphasized by many peace researchers, in general. Peace can also be seen as the absence of war (absence of direct violence), Peace as justice and development (absence of structural violence) Peace as respect and tolerance between people, peace as Gaia (balance in and with the ecosphere), inner peace (spiritual peace), and peace as 'wholeness' and 'making whole'.
How to live in Peace:
1. Love one another (John 13:34).
2. Be devoted to one another (Rom. 12:10).
3. Honour one another (Rom. 12:10).
4. Stop passing judgement on one another (Rom. 14:13).
5. Live in harmony with one another (Rom. 12:16).
6. Accept one another (Rom. 15:7).
7. Instruct one another (Rom. 15:14).
8. Be kind and compassionate to one another (Eph. 4:32).
9. Serve one another (Gal. 5:13).
10. Encourage one another. (Heb. 3:13).
What is Peace Making?  It is act of maintaining and creating a just order in the society, family, church and every area of life, and also the resolution of conflict by non-violent means.
      Biblically, women enjoy a special role in peace making due to their strong relational and verbal skills. Their vast network of intimate relationships provides women with God- oriented opportunities for kingdom ministry. Many women also have a particular relational role in their ministries of child-rearing and home making, where opportunities for peace making abound. These wonderful women in the bible Esther, Hannah and Abigail demonstrated the unshakable faith in the Lord and strong gifts in biblical peace making. Specifically, they knew when to overlook and when to confront, how to make a respectful appeal, and when to remain silent.
     Women being a strong pillar towards peace making is of the fact that women are referred to as the pillar and men the head, and where there is no pillar, the head can't stand. Effective and sustainable peace is achieved when there is a solid preparation of the women in line with the men at every stage of peace building. In many instances, it is precisely their subordinates and roles as nurturers and care-givers within the community that makes women so determined and committed to struggle for peace and social justice. Whether it is in grassroots activism or at high level negotiations, women bring a moderate tone, a less aggressive attitude and easier communication and co-operation between divided interest groups. Women have played a significant role in the attainment of a stable peaceful society both in the socio-economic and political aspects, and all over the countries. Women organizations, particularly those operating within the civil societies, have also played a significant role in democratic consolidation action, peace and stability. Most often, the men are busy fighting among themselves for supremacy in governance and too concerned about power struggle to be interested in an effective peacemaking.
     In the process of making peace, women are often good at analyzing, evaluating and giving wonderful result or settlement while the men are good at hitting the nail on the head. Thus, groin straight to the point. The presence of women at peace negotiation tables has always yielded useful results and continues to be a meaningful act. Therefore, their direct participation in decision making should be made paramount. Women contribute their important and well assembled skills, perspectives into effective resolution of problems and peace building activities.
The process of making Peace:
1. Keep an open mind despite any strong feelings you may have.
2. Try not to be defensive.
3. Never ever lie.
4. Be humble/submissive.
5. Get people educated.
6. Always know when to take a break and allow your opponent to speak.
7. Always pray before the beginning of any peace negotiation.
8. Don't settle matters when the both side are extremely upset. 


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