Ten Types of Friends to Avoid:


The company we keep can make or break us. A good group of friend can motivate, cheer you up and make you feel alive. On the other side, a few bad friends can drag you into the pits or ruin your life. Such friends are sometimes called toxic friends and every toxic friendships almost always unsupportive, draining, stifling, unsatisfying. They stress you out, use you and are unreliable and overtly demanding and do not give you anything back.
     Discussed below are ten types of toxic friends who can do more harm than good in your life;
1. THE CHEATER: A cheater friend will sooner or later hit on your romantic partner. To avoid giving space to such friends, avoid the sneaky flirts, the sweet talkers and generally people who try to flatter you to make you feel as if you mean the world to them. You would better off with people who are more truthful and down-to-earth with their comments and commendations.

2. THE COMPETITOR: Certain levels of competition in every relationship are healthy but when claws start to come out and things get extremely competitive between friends, things can get very ugly. Such friends will always find ways to compete; whether for the attention of a guy, the approval of other friends or for job-related praises/ rewards. Everything, to these set of people, is turned into a game of who-is-always-one-step-ahead.

3. THE LEECH: She constantly borrows your stuff, money or depends too much on you; believes in taking and have nothing to do with giving. One sided relationship is not good. So if all a friend does is to take from you without giving anything back into the friendship, there is no point continuing.

4. THE COPYCAT: Imitation is flattery but done in  a seemingly more sincere way. friends who look or behave just like your photocopy can be very scary. there is no need for a friend that changes when you change or nods when you nod, when your shadow can do that much better.

5. THE TELESCOPE: There is no harm in confiding in and requesting for advice from a friend. But when such a friend starts acting like a paid shrink and always picks flaws in your life and relationships, it can be very annoying and depressing. With this type of friend , everything you confided in them often becomes public secret within a very short time.

6. THE SELFISH FRIEND: She can go to any lengths for her benefits but behaves passively when you ask for help. they only spend time with you when they call or text, it is never to find out how you are doing but always to seek one form of help or the other. in every healthy relationship, one personal needs should not always be met while the needs of the other person are constantly overlooked.

7. THE WILD CHILD: This one is dangerous and unstable. You always get into trouble with him or always end up having to save him from trouble. If are not careful, you may also get implicated in some of his troubles.

8. THE COMPLAINER: This type of friend is never satisfied with anything they have, thus, spending their time whining and grumbling about how the world is unfair to them.

9.  THE MOOD KILLER; He intentionally or unintentionally kills the mood as soon as a conversation starts between you. They always find flaws in anything you do, say or have and are never short of sarcastic comments or depressing thoughts but will never find fault in themselves. Their words hurt like knives and they might not even know because they do not care for how you feel. You cannot seem to do anything right with such friends; they constantly criticize you in almost everything.

10.  THE SWINGER: Their mood swings change from being nice to being totally snappy in seconds without any provocation. They would like to use you to express their feelings, be they for happiness or frustration.
      Try to use the above descriptions to review your relationships/ friendships and if need be timely extract yourself from the ones that involve frenemies or unfriendly friends.


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